Calibration of Camera Intrinsic Parameter Based on a Single Cube Image 基于单幅立方体图的摄像机内参数标定
It is indispensable to determine the camera intrinsic parameter from the image of objects in metric structure. 从图像中物体的度量结构确定摄像机内参数是不可缺少的步骤。
The experimental results of synthetic and natural textures indicate that the new definition is more coincident with image intrinsic characters and advantageous for image analytic feature extraction and classification. 合成与自然纹理的试验结果表明,该相位定义更加符合信号的内在性质,更有利于对图像解析特征的提取与分类。
The whole procedure can be divided into three part: computing camera intrinsic and extrinsic parameters by self-calibration, get depth information through matching image corresponding points and using Warping to render image. 整个过程可分为三部分:利用自定标计算摄像机内外参数,通过匹配图像对应点提取深度信息,使用Warping进行图像绘制。
Three basic principles in multi-image fusion using multi-resolution methods: the intrinsic mechanic of this kind of image fusion, the condition of a stable image fusion and the principle of the energy rule are obtained. 给出了像素级多分辨图像融合的三个基本规律:多分辨数据融合的内在机理,融合算法的稳定性条件以及基于能量准则的数据融合原理。
We propose a new algorithm for playfield color detection based on intrinsic image. 本文提出了一种基于本征图像的自动球场颜色检测算法。
Because the ideal condition which quantization error has a white power spectrum is never valid on the state of multilevel quantization, the intrinsic low frequency characteristic of image is inflected by the processing of error diffusion only dealed with highpass filter ( error blue shift). 在多值量化情况下,因量化误差为白噪声的理想条件无法满足,故实施误差扩散处理时仅单纯地进行高通滤波(误差蓝化)将损害图像固有的低频特性。
Since similar surface's intrinsic image has symmetrical distribution along the right projection direction, the camera sensor can be calibrated. 在此方向的指导下,算法根据本征图像的分布来判断第二主颜色是否是球场颜色的。
In order to augment the linear dynamic range of the system and avoid the over loading, based on intrinsic clutter image of the analog system, it designed DAGC ( Digital Automatic Gain Control) System. 为了增大系统的线性动态范围,防止过载,在模拟系统原有的杂波图基础上,设计了数字自动增益控制DAGC系统。
A new image decomposition method depending on the object's intrinsic structure mode in image is proposed in this paper, which decomposes the image to a series of the details and the basis structure. 本文提出一种新的图像分解方法,它能够根据图像的内禀性模式将图像分解为一系列分层次细节图像和基本结构。
It preserves the intrinsic merits of the original image color feature. 该方法在降维的过程中充分保留了图像颜色的本征特性。
Computed X-ray ( CR) image has its own intrinsic characteristics other than normal video image. 数字化X光影像(CR)不同于一般的视频图像,有其自已的固有特点。
The image Second, SVs represent intrinsic algebraic image properties. 第二,图像的奇异值表征了图像本身固有的一些代数属性。
Extracting intrinsic images in color image 彩色图像中的本征图像的抽取
Algebraic features represent the intrinsic attributions of an image. 图像的代数特征是图像的一种固有的特征。
As the coupling effect exists between different subareas in the EIT system, though it can be partially compensated by limiting the iteration times, the iterative algorithms based on sensitivity matrix have their intrinsic limitations, and do not pertain to exact image reconstruction. 由于不同子区域间的耦合效应,尽管控制迭代次数可实现部分补偿,但基于灵敏度定理的迭代重建算法仍有其局限性,难于重建精确图像。
It is the intrinsic characteristics of the fingerprint image. 方向图中的每一点反映了指纹图像中局部纹线的方向,他是指纹图像中最本质的特征之一。
In particular, we investigate the classical anisotropic diffusion, the Perona-Malik model mathematically and theoretically, and explain some intrinsic relationship between the local structure-based evolution for image intensity or contour and the P-M and TV diffusion models. 特别地,我们对经典的各向异性扩散模型&Perona-Malik模型进行了相关数学推导和理论证明,从而说明了有关P-M模型和TV模型的图像灰度演化与图像局部边缘方向之间的关系。
Therefore, the extraction of effective image low-dimensional intrinsic data is the key task to accomplish image recognition. 因此有效的图像的低维本征数据的抽取是完成图像识别的关键任务。
Based on a specific dictionary, any image can be expressed as a linear combination of a few atoms, which can reveal the intrinsic properties of image effectively. 通过特定的字典,任意图像都可以表示成少数几个原子的线性组合。这些稀疏系数及其对应的原子有效地刻画了图像的内在本质。
Experiments demonstrate that dMI shows one kind of intrinsic relationship between the segmented image and the original one and so it can be used to well determine the number of clusters. 实验结果表明,dMI揭示了分割图像与原图像的一种内在联系,因而得以有效地确定图像分类数,而DDC算法对含有病灶的医学图像能够进行自动优化分割。
The other is a two-scale matting model based on both color and depth, comprehensively considering intrinsic color information and spatial information of objects in the image. 二是提出了一个基于颜色和深度的双尺度前背景分离模型,综合考虑了图像的颜色信息和图像中各物体间的空间信息。
DDM can use the information contained in the modulation equation sufficiently and derive images of higher resolution than the intrinsic resolution of instruments, which limits the resolution of conventional image reconstruction methods. 该方法充分利用了调制方程所包含的对象信息、突破了传统成像技术所受仪器内禀角分辨能力的限制,从而实现高分辨率、高精度成像。
Directional information is usually one of the most important and intrinsic image features. 边缘的方向信息通常是重要的、也是本质的图像特征之一。
And it is due to this demand that the deeper motive structure of National Image takes shape, which determines the intrinsic mechanism of the formation and construction of National Image. 正是这种需求构建了国家形象的深层动力结构,决定了国家形象形成和建构的内在机制。
The main novelties consist of the following points: 1. We propose a new algorithm for playfield color detection based on intrinsic image. 本文的主要创新工作有:1.本文提出了一种基于本征图像的自动球场颜色检测算法。
In fact, different kinds of heterogeneous features have different intrinsic discriminative power for image understanding. For instance, the features extracted from arms are most discriminative to human waving motion. 实际上,不同类型异构特征在图像语义理解过程中具有不同区别性,例如手臂特征对人挥手这一动作最具有区别性。
Thus, the unification of the two is an intrinsic demand to fulfill integration of commercial organization and commercial image. 两者的统一是实现商业组织、商业形象一体化的内在要求。
However, the intrinsic dimension of the image space is generally low, which means high-dimensional image data can be expressed by low-dimensional intrinsic data. 然而,图像空间的本征维数一般较低,也就意味着高维图像数据可以用低维的本征数据进行表示。